NFS sucks

I built a NAS recently. It’s a nice little box: I rackmounted an HPE ProLiant DL325 G10 (EPYC 7402, 64GB, 2x 240GB SSD) with a ES212X12 JBOD to hold 12x 8TB disks. Installing TrueNAS was pretty painless, convincing the ProLiant to be quiet and not sound like a jet engine was a bit annoying but not too bad, and overall it was a decent experience.

And then NFS happened.

I don’t think I’ve hated a piece of tech more on first use, honestly.

NFS works except for all the parts where it doesn’t. Share mounted too long? Stale file handles! You hit ^C in the middle of copying a file? Stale file handles! Trying to rsync from local to the NFS share? Stale file handles!

SMB was less painful than this.


Now read this

Building app infrastructure in Elixir: Time-traveling state

In the previous post, I discussed making crush into a more-viable data store for mahou. Since then, I’ve implemented forking and joining of key-value pairs in crush, and this post will be discussing the implementation thereof. Fork-join... Continue →